Content Management System Redesign

Web Design
Project Overview
StorySlab is a B2B sales enablement platform that services over 50 companies across various industries. After acquiring funding, StorySlab wanted a more modern and streamlined Content Management System that was more in line with their vision for the future of the company. It needed to be more scalable for, not only taking on more clients, but also for development work and StorySlab customer success admins.
My Contributions
I worked in tandem with developers to recreate the CMS from the ground up, while leveraging customer feedback and previous data gathered to ultimately make a product that was more streamlined, powerful, and elegant.
Because StorySlab services clients from a huge array of industries (manufacturing, chemicals, technology, building materials and healthcare to name a few) there were a large variety of features that needed to be refined, considered, and carefully designed,  without overloading what should be a simple and intuitive experience.

Features such as search, uploading personal files, sharing file bundles, creating file 'playbooks', using algorithms to predict what files you want to see next, etc. These are a few of the features that needed to be designed and accessible to users.
Feature Designs
Content Tree
The Content Tree is a very important step and is intended to be a 'one stop shop' for admins. From here you can get a very broad overview of the hierarchy of the app at just a glance. You can easily click to add / edit / delete files and folders, as well as see what files and folders are visible for what users by changing your 'viewpoint'.